Feb 11, 2009

Yeee Hooo-Back on

Well I am back online. Computer is up and running. Yeee haaa!!!!! Will get some post up shortly. Missed all the EDM art buddies. Me I need encouragement and it helps being part of the group-kinda keeps me going if you know what I mean. Some times I just want to stay in bed. After all I just have my dog so it would be easy to sleep in. Yep work the second shift---Yukkkk!! Yuk. But hey, not many folks can say they love their work. Me I love the folks I work with-At times I dont really love the paper work-not my strong point. When I go in it is like a family---every one comes to greet you. Even the manager smiles. Now that is amazing hey? Now if I need to go to the main office it is the same. God has blessed me. Thank You Papa!!! (God)
Well any way. Now that I jib jabbed along will see you guys soon.